Course curriculum

    1. HTML and Web Essentials Course Syllabus

    1. HTML Tutorbot

    1. 1.1 Course Introduction

    2. 1.2 What is HTML?

    3. 1.3 What is a Web Browser?

    4. 1.4 Different Types of Web Code

    5. 1.5 Understanding Web Servers and Domains

    6. Test Your Knowledge Quiz

    1. 2.1 Creating an HTML document

    2. 2.2 Adding Images

    3. 2.3 Adding Hyperlinks

    4. 2.4 Adding Comments

    5. 2.5 Adding CSS

    6. 2.6 Knowledge Check 1

    7. Test Your Knowledge Quiz

    8. Practical Activity

    1. 3.1 The Division Element

    2. 3.2 Website Navigation

    3. 3.3 Website Navigation CSS

    4. 3.4 Section CSS Update

    5. 3.5 Text Formatting

    6. 3.6 Knowledge Check

    7. Test Your Knowledge Quiz

    8. Practical Activity

    1. 4.1 Semantic Elements

    2. 4.2 Display and Layout of HTML Elements

    3. 4.4 Website Header

    4. 4.5 Website Footer

    5. 4.6 Head Element

    6. 4.7 Knowledge Check

    7. Test Your Knowledge Quiz

    8. Practical Activity

About this course

  • 65 lessons
  • 23 hours of video content

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