Course curriculum

    1. JavaScript Essentials Syllabus

    1. JavaScript Tutorbot: Scarlette

    1. 1.1 Introduction

    2. 1.2 What is JavaScript?

    3. 1.3 Why Do We Need to Learn JavaScript?

    4. 1.4 Different Ways of Using JavaScript

    5. 1.5 How Do We Use JavaScript?

    6. Test Your Knowledge Quiz

    1. 2.1 Introduction

    2. 2.2 Your First JavaScript

    3. 2.3 Objects, Methods, Properties & Functions

    4. 2.4 Variables & Data Types

    5. 2.5 Conditional Statements

    6. 2.6 Arrays

    7. 2.7 Loops

    8. 2.8 Comments

    9. Test Your Knowledge Quiz

    10. Activity 2.1: Write your first JavaScript code

    11. Activity 2.2: Change HTML content with JavaScript code.

    12. Activity 2.3: Log some information to the console of the web browser

    13. Activity 2.4: Practice the syntax of JavaScript concepts

    1. 3.1 A Deeper Dive into Objects

    2. 3.2 Object Properties & Methods

    3. 3.3 Where do Objects Live?

    4. 3.4 Accessing Objects and their Properties

    5. 3.5 Object Methods

    6. 3.6 Object Classes

    7. 3.7 Object Class Methods

    8. 3.8 Modular JavaScript

    9. Test Your Knowledge Quiz

    10. Activity 3.1: Simple Banking System

    1. 4.1 Template Literals

    2. 4.2 String Concatenation

    3. 4.3 Finding Elements in the DOM

    4. 4.4 Get Elements & Classes by Id

    5. 4.5 Manipulating Classes

    6. 4.6 Attribute Properties & Methods

    7. 4.7 Inline Style Property

    8. 4.8 Adding Element to the DOM

    9. Test Your Knowledge Quiz

    10. Activity 4.1: Task List Application

    11. Activity 4.2: Dark and Light Mode Page template.

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  • 88 lessons
  • 27 hours of video content

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