Course curriculum

    1. PHP Tutorbot: Scarlette

    1. Check your understanding

    1. Introduction

    2. PHP Code in a PHP File

    3. Some Basics of PHP Syntax

    4. How to use PHP Code in a PHP File Type?

    5. Executing PHP in Different File Types

    6. Case Sensitivity in PHP

    7. Case Sensitivity in Variable Declarations

    8. PHP Comments

    9. Test Your Knowledge

    10. Activity 1: Showcase the Basics of PHP

    1. Introduction

    2. What is a Variable?

    3. How to Create a PHP Variable?

    4. How to Output a PHP Variable?

    5. Data Types & PHP Variables

    6. The Rules when Creating PHP Variables

    7. The Scope of PHP Variables

    8. Test Your Knowledge

    9. Activity 2: Basic PHP Calculator

    1. What will be Covered

    2. What is a String?

    3. What are PHP String Functions?

    4. How to Return the Length of a String?

    5. How to Count Words in a PHP String?

    6. How to Reverse a String?

    7. How to Search for Text in a String?

    8. How to Replace Text in a String?

    9. Test Your Knowledge

    10. Activity 3: Simple PHP Password Checker

    1. Introduction

    2. What will be Covered

    3. Introduction to Numbers in Programming

    4. PHP Numbers as Integers

    5. PHP Number as Floats

    6. PHP Numbers as Strings

    7. PHP Casting Strings & Floats to Integers

    8. Test Your Knowledge

    9. Activity 4: Numerical Operations Calculator with PHP

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  • 152 lessons
  • 12 hours of video content

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